Friday, July 11, 2008

Black Leaders and Obama

Want to respond to some things that our black male leaders have been saying and doing since Barrack Obama has thrown his hat into the race for presidential candidate.
Travis Smiley - Travis of all people should know how very hard it is for Barack Obama to even run for president on a serious level as a black man in America. To continually attempt to beat up on Obama because he is black is just ludicrous and divisive. Yet you are "sooo black" it hurts. Travis, you are a "hater" and "opportunist".. not much more. You career has been limited to the "black cause". Thank you Travis but a new day is a coming. Travis needs to come out of his little black world and look at the bigger picture of black, white, yellow, etc. It's time to stop the bashing because Obama has achieved what so many black men in America could only dream of. Obama's purpose is just bigger. Stop trying to keep a noose around his neck by demanding that Obama’s goal in life be "black power". Obama's destiny is much bigger and it‘s time for Travis to let a brother fly. Oh…and Travis where is your wife and kids?
Cornell West - Love you Cornell! But your comments that Obama has not "sacrificed enough...he has not done enough for the black cause.." What are you talking about?! Your words say that Obama as a presidential hopeful must go back…not forward.. he should limit his endeavors to making life in America better for blacks. I have never seen a white presidential candidate talk about furthering his particular race in the oval office. It would not have been appropriate and never will be! This country is colors and we all should be represented in the white house whether white or black. To campaign this would be policital suicide. So exactly what is the discussion. Jesus was a black man. Oh nooo..!!! Not that absurd conversation agaiiinnnn!!! It does not matter what color he was!!! Only that he came !!! Obama is not running for Black anything...he is running for the president of the United States. Why would anyone want to run as a race advocate. Cornell you are thinking community not global. Small thinking for you.. and I am surprised you don't see the big picture. Obama could never win as a "black activist" nor should he have to. The race has never openly been about color power.. why in the world should it now be about black power and sacrifice! If we as a race of people want to raise ourselves or lift ourselves... it starts from personal accountability not shoving it all to Obama to fix the woes of the past 400 years and specifically the last 40. Why does it hurt blacks so much to say to those who don't have their act together it's time for them to cut the mess out and start focusing on positive goals instead of foolishness. Mess being described as: drugs, violence, lack of financial knowledge, children out of wedlock, illicit personal behavior, lack of education.. oh yes.. the list goes on and on. We have so many things we need to work on. Our backyards are strewn with iniquity that we are CEO’s of. How dare me to say it! Blacks as a whole may be doing better than ever before financially but for many their own toxic minds will not allow them true prosperity. Ok.. I've done it now! Where is the lightning bolt! If Obama can raise himself to this level why should he be penalized because he is black? Cannot we admit that he has worked extremely hard to have reached this point in this presidential race. How dare you try to take something away from him as if it was handed to him. As a black man.. you know that did not just happen!!! How dare you join in the work hard.. study hard.. stay out of trouble but how dare you believe you can actually become president one day. You are not deserving enough! Your statements reflect your own black self hatred and reinforce the preverbal glass ceiling for our little black boys and girls that used to be enforced by whites. How dare Obama think he can be president! Cornell, you have made a career evolved around racism, injustices to minorities, etc. but Obama's mission is much bigger. Elimination of the racism disease should be an issue for anyone in the white house, yet why do you not seek this standard from McCain or from Bush. While you may, you have not openly criticized them for not doing so while running for office. Your doing so now to Obama is a dire distraction and harmful to the larger task at hand. We need change, growth and unity! The dream is simply bigger than your reality right now. I love you.. enjoy your works and hope you get out of the back seat and into the front one with the focal pivot being the future.. not the past. Some may call you a hater.. me... I just see your negative statements as being a part of the torrid negative system of unconscious black self-hatred. A product of the toxicity that you have fought against but now are victim to by your own limited thinking and goals.
Jesse Jackson - I first refuse to acknowledge him as Reverend anything! A man who fathers children outside of his marriage will not receive this respect from me. I must first say that Jesse.. has been trying to tell us for a long time that his only true cause these days is himself. While he certainly was a General in the civil rights movement and inspired many to greater heights, his focus these past few years has been on Jesse. Jesse has repositioned himself from a civil rights leader to an opportunist. Seriously, who has seen Operation Rainbow in their neighborhoods or at their local schools. This grant based operation serves as a pivotal financial forum for Jesse and does not serve blacks as a total community. Now should I specifically speak on Jesse's many hidden affairs and his illegitimate child. No. Need I. How much harder need Jesse slap you up side the head for you to get the man. Jesse thank you for your past efforts. Sincerely thank you... but his recent Judas remarks about Obama are the toxicity that nobody wants to admit about our black males. Well first, I understand that Obama's Father's Day speech stung Jesse personally (smile). Of course, it did. Jesse felt like Obama was talking about him and that he was “talking down” directly to Jesse. Jesse has been above reproach for so long... he has been walking a foul private life yet men have not dared to publicly call him out. Even though Obama didn't say Jesse’s name, he called himself out by his rancid remarks about the Obama Father’s Day speech. We have millions of young black men in prison at this moment. Right now! One big factor is because their fathers are MIA or AWOL. Young black men without fathers often have no direction, focus or a chance without the positive support of their fathers. Fathers are vital to turning this situation around! So why would Jesse have a problem with this? It’s because Jesse, who has lived a life of secretive and sordid extracurricular affairs with women feels Obama’s comments are demeaning to his own personal agenda and behavior. Also, might I add a little bit jealous! Now I won't go there. Jesse, has lied to his wife, his constituents and I am sure will continue his unaccountable torrid of deceit; simply because he feels he has earned the right to do whatever he wants. Jesse really feels he deserves respect. If a man will lie to and mistreat his own wife...what are we expecting from him. Exactly what? Jesse wants to castrate Obama because of his own wicked ways. One of the commandments is thou shalt not commit adultery or bare false witness! Shame on you, Jesse! You need to spend a little less time chasing ass and you wouldn’t feel so “talked down” to. Our young men need someone who will at least point them to the righteous path not a covetous and deceitful one. They need someone to say stop the madness. Especially, from the pulpit. Yet you use the pulpit like a rotten headdress to hide yourself. If telling young men all across America to stand up and be a part of their children’s lives is wrong, then you condemn so many unborn children and yes the prisons will get bigger and bigger. Maybe I should call you a "K K K" General because your premises will destroy many black children. Since when have black men become so frail that you can’t tell them to be responsible, accountable and to take care of the lives they create. Jesse’s foolish rantings and emotional unaccountability for his own immoral behavior serves to promote promiscuity, fornication, adultery and unaccountability amung black men in America. Jesse, if this is talking down to you or anyone, then so be it! But let it be loud and clear! It‘s time for black males in America to clean up their act!! Maybe it‘s a dose of what some black males need to clean up their act. Bill Cosby said it and I affirm. It’s time to raise the bar and standards of life. It seems that the personal behavior era in America has hit an all time low when a “Reverend” can have affairs and illicit children then condone himself by saying he wishes he could cut someone else’s balls off. Obama makes a lot of males like Jesse angry because he is living up to a standard that they have long deserted. This is their error not Obama’s. If decent, loyal behavior and good character is “acting white” then Jesse condemns blacks to destroy themselves in order to “act black“. There is no such thing! It’s time black folk “act right” instead of a color. What a lariat of despair this concept brings in our communities. What a negative mental chain. Since Jesse won’t say it and Obama shouldn’t have to say it, I will! Black folk it’s time to get your houses in order with God. Don’t act white, black or anything. Let us act like decent human beings. If you are lost out there, start with the 10 Commandments and work your way from there. It would be a great start!!! One day at a time! Jesse just know that I believe in forgiveness and redemption. You have both but it is only your behavior that says you don't forgive yourself. Move on.. stop trying to tell the world that Obama isn't all that..(smile) because you tripped and fell. While I forgive you... I don't respect you. Your recent abitrary statements about Obama clarify and reinforce my opinion of you as a leader and a human being. Your time has come and gone Jesse! Maybe it’s time you spend less time in the political forum and more time with your illegitimate child.
To No Account Black Males: Work hard! Educate yourselves! Stop the excuses and laziness! Be accountable! Stop lying! If you say it…mean it! Stop killing one another and violence in general! Stop hating on one another! Don’t make a baby unless you are willing to take care of it financially and emotionally! Learn what unity really means! Find a role model! Stop pimping the Bible and then doing something else! Stop looking for a woman to save you or give you something! Stop using women like props to fulfill your little boy fantasies! Stay out of the strip clubs…learn to invest your time and money more wisely! Love and value your black women again! Look into the mirror and examine your soul. If you don’t like what your see, you have not excuse not to change it! You have become a generation of misogynist (defined as the hatred of women or looked upon for sexual worth only) males who disrespect and abuse women. The result is destroying your future as a race not the “white man“. Grow up black men! Become providers and protectors of your families again! It’s time for you to act like decent people, not animals. Animals “do“, they don’t think. We can’t afford this self-inflicted handi-cap. Stop chasing ass ..but your dreams! When you accomplish yourself, you will find your concept about ass will change. You are dearly loved, valued and needed but need serious tough love! Now, go!!! Don’t waste another moment on foolish behavior, hating or thinking. Uplift yourself! Invest in yourself! Again the 10 Commandments are a great start. Don’t let the world forget your name!
For All Black Men: For those of you who are out there doing your thing, working hard, taking care of business, I applaud you and encourage you to continue. Thank you for setting the example! You are dearly loved! Unfortunately, you are almost rare these days. But realize you are not the males I speak to harshly. For every one productive male there are two who are not. I encourage you to continue to focus your minds and goals not on women or worldly traps but onto your professional aspirations and families. I encourage you to speak out, to break the silence, to break the unspoken male code and be strong enough to tell another brother when he is out of order. If you see him doing wrong, don’t condone it! Don’t feel like you have to copy it! Don’t go along with poor personal behavior just to be down or to “act black”. Keep your high personal standards. Your sacrifices and discipline uplift the black race as a whole and your rewards will be great! Please continue to allow love, commitment and ethical behavior to be your focus. It will be your power! To the many Obama’s out there, I am proud. So very proud!

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